Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 page.
Here’s to another year of exciting learning opportunities! Here you will find lots of information about our classes, the things we have been doing and ideas to help you with your learning. You will find links to our Curriculum Overview and our Crucial Knowledge. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
In our learning journey in year 2, we aim to become curious, independent and passionate learners. We get to experience and enjoy lots of different subjects throughout the year and we gain lots of crucial knowledge along the way by using our heads, hearts and hands.
Physical Education: PE will take place every Tuesday & Friday for both classes. The children need to come to school in their PE kits on these days and it can be worn all day (no need for changing). Hair must be tied back and all jewellery must be removed at home.
PE kit: Plain jogging bottoms (no zips/logos) or shorts and a plain white. Please ensure that children have trainers. As PE sessions may take place outside, jumpers and tracksuits bottoms will also be needed.
Reading: Reading books and diaries need to be in school every day, as the children can be asked to read with an adult at any time during the week. Children are asked to read 3 x per week and parents are encouraged to listen to them and sign their diaries. Reading diaries will be checked once a week. If your child has not read 3 x in a week then they will be expected to read with an adult at lunch time or play time.
Homework: Each week, children are expected to carry out the following tasks below in their learning log:
- Complete a different VIPERS style reading task from the menu.
- Practise their times tables in a variety of ways. This can be done through singing songs, counting out loud, by completing tracks, online games etc. We just ask that you write a note in their books, so we can see how they have practiced that week.
- Learn the spellings or spelling pattern they are doing in class and practise their spellings. We provide you with a sheet in their learning logs each week for you to practise these.
- Additionally, they may wish to complete one of the optional tasks which are linked to their foundation learning.
Useful Websites
There are our times tables songs and games that you can use to support your child’s learning.